Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Greaseball makeshift repair shop

Dan and Bing also arrived Saturday night to join the Greaseballers and we really need their mechanical help. Early on Sunday morning, the boys set to work on the cars. Bing on the VW rabbit to improve its grease system which has been causing some problems for Suzanne and JP. For grease to work well in a car engine it has not only to be clean and filtered, but heated to ensure adequate combustion and to prevent the fuel lines clogging. Dan set to work dismantling the fuel pump on Ole Yeller and Ben and Jacko got to work on the vacuum system on the white Mercedes. Meanwhile the other greaseballers set out to explore Mexico City and get some much needed rest and relaxation after a long week of driving. By the end of the day, things were not looking good for Old Yeller much to Nicky and my despair. We had to find a repair shop to source the spare parts for the pump or fix the problem. Unfortunately since hitting the border to Mexico from the US we also hadn´t seen one Mercedes on the road - a very bad sign when it came to trying to find the necessary parts down here.

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